M.U.L.E. Tournament Statistics
Despite having fought each other in M.U.L.E. and other multiplayer games throughout two decades, it was not until August 2002 that we started to keep track of what actually happens during a typical friendly evening of M.U.L.E.
Though we did not record our numerous malicious comments when playing M.U.L.E., we documented all the events on Irata in our Event Stats.
Winner Stats is a page the Blue Bonzoid is seriously considering to abolish because it shows pretty clearly who apparently is the better ExtremeMULEr.
Tournaments provides the essence of our database, a fact summary of each M.U.L.E. tournament, many of the later ones including a digicam screenshot of the final status summary on a vintage Commodore monitor.
Due to the Green Packer's laziness in typing a couple of numbers into an uncomplicated form, our database sometimes lacks behind up to one year or so, but it will certainly be updated from time to time ...
By the way, greetings to the Green Packer who left on 30 April 2006 for a warm island in sunny Spain, playing M.U.L.E. on his telephone now!

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