Nasty Success Stories

Tournament No.
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No $$ no land

Tournament No. 719 (View)

This was really, really mean.

We probably had been talking about playing Humanoids but not explicitly agreed on this. Now while the green player was in the kitchen to get the drinks, Blue decided better not to play Humanoids this time and became a Leggite. When Green returned and chose his species, Blue was too busy gulping fresh beer, no time to tell Green that we were to be normal players now ...

Well, this was a setup we had not played for more than a decade - at least not since we've been documenting our Tournaments in August 2002 - but nevertheless each of us had hoped to play again: Blue was headed for an easy victory, while Green saw a welcome opportunity to humiliate Blue by winnig despite a difficult start.

Thus it naturally began with a wonderfully unfair land auction in Month #1, when the Blue Leggite spend more $$ on a plot of land than the Green Humanoid had in his pockets.


Taking Blue Leggite's main income away

Green's dreams came true when the ole computer stole the Blue Leggite's best plot of land in Month #3. Besides, it is obvious that the Blue Leggite had to grab all vacant river plots before the Green Humanoid would obtain one, as Humanoids depend heavily on Food.


A worthless plot of land as compensation

In Month #5 the computer fortunately revised its uneven decision and ruefully returned a plot of Land to the Blue Leggite, who had - of course - already in Month #4 grabbed back his 3 mountain plot which the Green one was trying steal.


If you want the units in the store you need to buy mine first

Later in Month #5 all the stock in the store was lost due to a fire ... and to the Green Humanoid's pleasure!

The Green one started a Smithore Gambit which the Blue Leggite was unable to prevent. In general, the Green one is so wicked as to make lots of money with his Food & Energy extortion business, usually enabling him to buy the entire smithore production of the following Month from his victims.


Green MULE waster

This not being enough, the Green player usually likes to waste the MULEs that belong to the colony community in order to raise the value of his smithore.


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It all ended in a fiasco, when the Green Humanoid indeed beat the Blue Leggite. But hopefully no one will notice this disgrace here on the internet.


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